When people think about personal security, they often focus on safety tips while in public places. This is extremely important, but it is also essential to consider safety measures around the home. There are several things seniors can do to make their house a secure haven.

Create a Safe Home

Many years ago, people left their doors unlocked and windows down, but in most places, those days are long gone. Crime rates are higher than ever, so homeowners should make their house as secure as possible.

 Start by installing durable locks on all your doors and windows. Burglars are interested in finding the easiest opportunity, so if your home is strongly fortified they will be likely to move on. Never leave spare keys under your doormat or in any other conspicuous place. Criminals know the most common hiding spots for keys; so don't give them easy access. Install a security alarm system in your home, or if that's too expensive, place a sign in your yard. Again, a law breaker will be looking for the easiest opportunity and will very likely pass up your home if they even believe you have a system in place.

If an unexpected visitor shows up at your home, identify them before you open the door. Use a peephole or window to visually assess who they are, and don't be afraid to call the police if the person won't go away. 

Is Someone Watching You?

Many criminals will watch a home before they break in. They look for regular routines so they know when you are least likely to be home, and pick out the easiest way to get inside. Varying your personal routine can discourage a predator, because they won't be certain when your home will be vacant.

Keep an eye out for people who appear to be watching your home. Work with the people who live nearby to form a Neighborhood Watch so you can look out for each other. If you notice suspicious characters who appear to be spending time driving up and down your block or hanging out in front of your house, call the police immediately. 

Effective Safety Products

Despite your best efforts to keep predators out, a determined and well-trained criminal may be able to get into your home. A break in can be a very dangerous scenario if you are in the house, so you may want to consider keeping a self-defense weapon.

There are several non-lethal devices that you can use against an intruder. A can of pepper spray will shoot a blistering hot mist to stop any home invader. The spray will temporarily inhibit their respiratory system and leave them gasping for breath. Stun guns will shoot powerful jolts of electricity into a predator's body the moment the weapon makes physical contact. TASERS fire two electrified prongs from several feet away. Both of these stun weapons are guaranteed to take down an invader.

With luck you will never have to use a weapon in your home, but if you do remember to stay calm and call the police immediately.

While On Vacation

Your home may be in jeopardy if you are gone for several days, so it's up to you to fortify the place properly. Start by temporarily canceling the mail and any newspaper subscription. Nothing provides are more surefire signal that you are away than a stack of papers on the lawn, or envelopes flowing out of the mailbox.

Hide any valuables you leave behind in a well constructed or even a diversion safe. These are safes that are cleverly disguised as normal household items, such as a can of soda or a book. You can keep a fake safe where you would keep the real thing, and you'll be hiding your cherished goods in a place where criminals won't find them- right in plain sight.

Before you leave, tell a trusted neighbor that you'll be out of town. Ask them to keep an eye on your house and report any suspicious behavior. Give them a number to reach you in case of an emergency.

Securing your home should be high on the list of every senior safety plan. Make your house a place unappealing to criminals to protect your belongings, yourself and your loved ones. 

As summer approaches, people take advantage of the sunny weather to do outdoor projects, take their families to fun locations such as amusement parks and beaches and try to find ways to relax and keep cool. It's the season when most people take time off of work, because their kids are on summer vacation. For criminals and predators, however, it is a very active time of year.

Be Observant In Public 

When you load the family into the car and head out to a fun filled destination, always keep in mind that criminals may be sharing your day with you. By following a few simple outdoor safety tips you can do everything possible to avoid being victimized by predators who might be watching. Law breakers are always on the lookout for an easy target, so make sure you don't give them one.

Always lock your doors and roll up the windows when you leave your car. Car thieves regularly patrol parking lots and try door handles to see if they will open. They are hoping for an unlocked vehicle that they can get into quickly and take anything that was left inside. You should always store valuable items in the trunk, so that a criminal does not see them and become tempted to break in.

While enjoying your day, keep a close eye on your entire family ... and everyone around you. Look for strangers who seem to be watching you or getting too close. They may be trying to determine if you have something they can take. Protect your loved ones and personal items carefully, and make sure no predator has a chance to steal from you.

Summer Safety At Home 

All summer long people are outdoors working on projects like lawn care, hosting barbecues or relaxing by a pool. It can be easy to forget to close a door or window, but if they are left open it creates an easy opportunity for a burglar. Garage doors, in particular, are regularly used by criminals to gain access to a home during the warmer months. People go outside to do yard work and forget to close the garage door. Criminals may steal items from the garage itself, which usually contains tools and other valuable belongings, or use it as an easy way to get into your home. Once inside, the law breaker can grab an armful of things quickly, and run off without ever being noticed.

Some criminals will work together during the summer months. One will come to your door and distract you, while the other sneaks into your garage, back yard or home to take whatever they can grab. Be wary of anyone who approaches your front door and don't let them take up too much of your time. Every year thousands of burglaries occur all over the United States. Teach your family how to guard themselves and their property and do what you can to ensure a safe and happy summer for everyone.